Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.
House International Relations; Senate Foreign Relations
Bill Summary
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 29, 2003. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.Requests the President to: (1) communicate this resolution formally to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community toward the repeal of stoning laws and adherence to international standards of human rights.
Condemning the punishment of execution by stoning as a gross violation of human rights, and for other purposes.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 29, 2003. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.)Condemns the practice of execution by stoning, and calls upon the international community to recognize this practice as a gross violation of human rights.Requests the President to: (1) communicate this resolution formally to governments imposing this cruel punishment and urge the suspension of sentences of death by stoning; and (2) direct the Secretary of State to work with the international community toward the repeal of stoning laws and adherence to international standards of human rights.