Bill Title
To direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to obtain observer status for Taiwan at the triennial International Civil Aviation Organization Assembly, and for other purposes.
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Bill Summary
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The expanded summary of the House passed version is repeated here.) Directs the Secretary of State to: (1) develop a strategy to obtain observer status for Taiwan at the next triennial International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly to be held in September 2013 in Montreal, Canada; and (2) instruct the U.S. Mission to the ICAO to officially request observer status for Taiwan at the Assembly and other related meetings, activities, and mechanisms, and urge ICAO member states to support Taiwan observer status and participation in the ICAO. Directs the Secretary to report to Congress, in unclassified form, describing the U.S. strategy to endorse and obtain observer status for Taiwan at the triennial ICAO Assembly and at any subsequent ICAO Assemblies and other related meetings.
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Associated Rollcalls