Bill Title
To establish a committee under the National Science and Technology Council with the responsibility to coordinate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education activities and programs of all Federal agencies, and for other purposes.
House Science and Technology; House Education and Labor; Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Bill Summary
(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the House on June 2, 2009. The summary of that version is repeated here.) STEM Education Coordination Act of 2009 - Requires the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to establish a committee under the National Science and Technology Council that has the responsibility of coordinating federal programs and activities in support of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, including at the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Education, and all other federal agencies that have programs and activities in support of STEM education. Directs such committee to: (1) coordinate the STEM education activities and programs of federal agencies; (2) develop, implement, and update once every five years, a five-year STEM education strategic plan which shall specify and prioritize annual and long-term objectives, specify the common metrics to be used to assess progress toward achieving the objectives, describe the approaches to be taken by participating agencies to assess the effectiveness of their programs and activities, and describe the role of such agencies in supporting programs and activities designed to achieve the objectives; and (3) establish, periodically update, and maintain an inventory of federally sponsored STEM education programs and activities, including documentation of assessments of the effectiveness of such programs and activities and rates of participation by underrepresented minorities. Instructs the Director to encourage and monitor the efforts of participating agencies to ensure that the STEM education strategic plan is developed and executed effectively and that plan objectives are met. Requires the Director to annually report to Congress on the STEM education strategic plan. Requires such reports to include: (1) a description of the STEM education programs and activities for the previous and current fiscal years, and the proposed programs and activities under the President's budget request, of participating federal agencies; (2) the levels of funding for such agencies for programs and activities for the previous fiscal year and under the President's budget request; (3) with the exception of the initial annual report, a description of the progress made in carrying out the implementation plan; and (4) a description of how the participating federal agencies will disseminate information about federally supported resources for STEM education practitioners.
House Science and Technology; House Education and Labor; Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation
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