To provide for the reform and continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes.
House Homeland Security Committee
Bill Summary
Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 - Title I: Commodities - Subtitle A: Repeals and Reforms - (Sec. 1101) Repeals, but continues for crop year 2013: (1) direct payments, (2) countercyclical payments, and (3) the average crop revenue election program (ACRE). (Sec. 1105) Directs the Secretary of Agriculture (USDA) to provide for a farm's base acreage adjustment for covered commodities if: (1) a conservation reserve contract expires or is voluntarily terminated, (2) cropland is released from conservation reserve contract coverage, or (3) the producer has eligible oilseed acreage. (Sec. 1106) Directs the Secretary to establish a yield for each farm for any designated oilseed for which a payment yield was not established. (Sec. 1107) Provides for crop years 2014-2018 either: (1) price loss coverage if a covered commodity's effective price is less than its reference price; or (2) alternative revenue loss coverage, as a permanent one-time election, if a covered commodity's county revenue is less than the county revenue loss coverage trigger. (Sec. 1108) Requires producers to comply with specified conservation requirements in order to receive payments under this subtitle. (Sec. 1109) States that this subtitle shall be effective for crop years 2014-2018. Subtitle B: Marketing Loans - (Sec. 1201) Authorizes: nonrecourse marketing assistance loans through crop year 2018; loan deficiency payments through crop year 2018; payments in lieu of loan deficiency payments for wheat, oats, or barley acreage used for grazing through crop year 2018; programs for upland cotton and extra long staple cotton; assistance for peanuts; and recourse loans for high moisture feed grains and seed cotton through crop year 2018. (Sec. 1210) Authorizes loan rate adjustments for any loan commodity (other than cotton) for differences in grade, type, quality, location, and other factors. Subtitle C: Sugar - (Sec. 1301) Provides nonrecourse loans to processors of domestically grown sugarcane and domestically grown sugar beets through crop year 2018. Directs the Secretary to make sugarcane and sugar beet quantity estimates through crop year 2018 for: (1) human consumption, (2) carryover stocks, (3) carry-in stocks, (4) domestic processing, and (5) imports. Subtitle D: Dairy - Part I: Dairy Producer Margin Protection and Dairy Market Stabilization Programs - (Sec. 1411) Establishes a dairy production margin protection program under which participating dairy operations are paid: (1) basic production margin protection program payments when production margins are less than threshold levels, and (2) supplemental production margin protection program payments if purchased by a participating dairy operation. Provides for retroactive basic margin protection and retroactive supplemental margin protection. (Sec. 1414) Makes: (1) all participating dairy producers eligible for basic margin protection, and (2) additional supplemental margin protection available on an annual basis. (Sec. 1431) Establishes a dairy market stabilization program to assist in balancing the supply of milk with demand when participating dairy operations are experiencing low or negative operating margins. (Sec. 1437) Makes it unlawful for any person subject to the stabilization program to willfully fail or refuse to provide, or delay the timely reporting of, accurate information and remittance of funds to the Secretary. (Sec. 1462) Terminates the production margin protection and stabilization programs on December 31, 2018. Part II: Repeal or Reauthorization of Other Dairy-Related Provisions - (Sec. 1481) Repeals: (1) the dairy products price support program, (2) the milk income loss contract program, and (3) the dairy export incentive program. (Sec. 1483) Extends: (1) the dairy indemnity program, (2) the dairy forward pricing program, and (3) the dairy promotion and research program. Part III: Effective Date - (Sec. 1491) Makes the provisions of this subtitle effective on October 1, 2013. Subtitle E: Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance Programs - (Sec. 1501) Provides livestock indemnity payments through FY2018 to eligible producers on farms that have incurred excess livestock death losses due to: (1) attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government or protected by federal law, or (2) adverse weather. Provides compensation through FY2018 to eligible livestock producers for grazing losses caused by drought or fire. Provides emergency assistance through FY2018 to eligible producers of livestock, honey bees, and farm-raised fish to aid in the reduction of losses due to disease or adverse weather. Provides assistance through FY2018 to eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers that planted trees for commercial purposes but lost the trees as a result of a natural disaster, and to eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers that have a production history for commercial purposes on planted or existing trees but lost the trees as a result of a natural disaster. Subtitle F: Administration - (Sec. 1601) Directs the Secretary to use Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds, facilities, and authorities to carry out this title. (Sec. 1602) Suspends permanent price support authority under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and the Agricultural Act of 1949 for covered commodities, cotton, and sugar through crop year 2018, and for milk through December 31, 2018. Suspends certain quota provisions for the 2014-2018 wheat crops. (Sec. 1603) Revises specified payment limitation provisions. (Sec. 1604) Prohibits a person or legal entity from receiving specified agricultural benefits during a crop, fiscal, or program year if the average adjusted gross income of such person or entity exceeds $950,000. (Sec. 1605) Extends specified direct reimbursement payments for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers through FY2018. (Sec. 1607) Directs the Secretary to preclude the issuance of agricultural payments to, and on behalf of, deceased individuals that were not eligible for payments. (Sec. 1612) Directs the Secretary to: (1) reduce producer paperwork and other administrative requirements, and (2) maintain base acres and payment yields for covered commodities and upland cotton through September 30, 2018. Makes $100 million available to the Farm Service Agency to carry out this title. (Sec. 1613) Provides for the protection of certain producer information. Title II: Conservation - Subtitle A: Conservation Reserve Program - (Sec. 2001) Extends the conservation reserve program (CRP) through FY2018. Sets forth maximum CRP acreage enrollments for FY2014- FY2018. Makes grasslands eligible for CRP enrollment, but limits enrollment to 2 million acres at any one time during FY2014-FY2018. Eliminates designation of the Chesapeake Bay Region, the Great Lakes Region, and the Long Island Sound Region as watershed areas. (Sec. 2002) Extends the farmable wetland program through FY2018. Eliminates the program's pilot program designation. Subtitle B: Conservation Stewardship Program - (Sec. 2101) Revises, and extends through FY2018, the conservation stewardship program. Limits aggregate payments to a person or entity to $200,000 during FY2014-FY2018. Subtitle C: Environmental Quality Incentives Program - (Sec. 2201) Extends the environmental quality incentives program through FY2018. Requires that 60% of FY2014-FY2018 program funds be used for livestock production practices, and that 5% of such funds be used for wildlife habitat practices. Provides payments for wildlife habitat development. (Sec. 2205) Applies program limitations to the period FY2014-FY2018. Subtitle D: Agricultural Conservation Easement Program - (Sec. 2301) Establishes the agricultural conservation easement program for the conservation of eligible land and natural resources through easements or other interests in land. (Combines the purposes and coordinates the functions of the wetlands reserve program, the grassland reserve program, and the farmland protection program.) Sets forth agricultural land and wetland easement provisions. Makes the provisions of this subtitle effective on October 1, 2013. Subtitle E: Regional Conservation Partnership Program - (Sec. 2401) Establishes a regional conservation partnership program to: (1) accomplish purposes similar to the agricultural water enhancement program, the Chesapeake Bay watershed program, the cooperative conservation partnership initiative, and the Great Lakes basin program; (2) further the conservation use of natural resources on a regional or watershed scale; and (3) encourage partners to cooperate with producers in meeting or avoiding the need for regulatory requirements related to production on eligible land and implementing projects that affect multiple agricultural or nonindustrial private forest operations on a local, state, or regional basis. Authorizes the Secretary to enter into a partnership agreement for up to 5 years, with a one-time extension for up to 12 months. Directs the Secretary to designate up to eight critical conservation areas Provides program funding for FY2014-FY2018. Makes the provisions of this subtitle effective on October 1, 2013. Subtitle F: Other Conservation Programs - (Sec. 2501) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for: (1) the conservation of private grazing land program, (2) the grass roots source water protection program, (3) the voluntary public access and habitat incentive program, and (4) the small watershed rehabilitation program. Subtitle G: Funding and Administration - (Sec. 2601) Authorizes the use of Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds through FY2018 for: the conservation reserve program, including specified amounts for transferring contract land from retiring owners and operators to beginning and disadvantaged farmers and ranchers; the agricultural conservation easement program; the conservation security program; the conservation stewardship program; and the environmental quality incentives program. Subtitle H: Repeal of Superseded Program Authorities and Transitional Provisions; Technical Amendments - (Sec. 2701) Repeals: the conservation enhancement program, the emergency forestry conservation reserve program, the wetlands reserve program, the farmland protection program, the grassland reserve program, the agricultural water enhancement program, the wildlife habitat incentive program, the Great Lakes Basin program, the Chesapeake Bay watershed program, the cooperative conservation partnership initiative, and the environmental easement program. Title III: Trade - Subtitle A: Food for Peace Act - (Sec. 3001) Extends specified programs and authorizations of appropriations under the Food for Peace Act through FY2018. Subtitle B: Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 - (Sec. 3101) Extends through FY2018: (1) export credit guarantee programs, (2) the market access program, and (3) the foreign market cooperator program. Subtitle C: Other Agricultural Trade Laws - (Sec. 3201) Extends through FY2018: the food for progress program, the Bill Emerson humanitarian trust, the McGovern-Dole international food for education and child nutrition program, technical assistance for specialty crops, and the Global Crop Diversity Trust. (Sec. 3205) Extends funding for specialty crop technical assistance through FY2018. (Sec. 3207) Authorizes the Secretary to establish the position of Under Secretary of Agriculture for Foreign Agricultural Services. Title IV: Nutrition - Subtitle A: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - (Sec. 4001) Amends the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to prohibit the payment of a deposit fee in excess of any state fee reimbursement to recipients of supplemental nutrition assistance (SNAP, formerly known as the food stamp program) for the return of empty bottles and cans used to contain food purchased with SNAP benefits. (Sec. 4002) Requires participating retail food stores to: (1) offer perishable goods in at least three staple food categories, and (2) provide adequate electronic benefit transfer (EBT) service. Requires participating retail food stores (including restaurants participating in a state option restaurant program intended to serve the elderly, disabled, and homeless), with certain exceptions, to pay 100% of the costs of acquiring and arranging for the implementation of EBT point-of-sale equipment and supplies. Prohibits a state from issuing manual vouchers unless the Secretary determines that such vouchers are necessary. Requires parties providing EBT transfer services to maintain a unique business identification and a unique terminal identification number through the SNAP routing system. (Sec. 4003) Includes as eligible retailers governmental or nonprofit food purchasing delivery services that serve elderly or disabled individuals who are unable to shop for food. (Sec. 4004) Reauthorizes the Indian reservation food distribution program. (Sec. 4005) Restricts categorical SNAP eligibility to only those households receiving cash assistance through other low-income assistance programs. (Sec. 4006) Excludes medical marijuana as an excess medical expense deduction. (Sec. 4007) Requires a household to receive a low-income heating and energy assistance program payment of $20 or more annually in order to receive the SNAP utility allowance deduction. (Sec. 4009) Makes any household in which a member receives substantial lottery or gambling winnings ineligible for SNAP benefits. (Sec. 4010) States that, if a household makes excessive requests for replacement of its EBT card, the Secretary may require a state agency to decline to issue a replacement card unless the household provides an explanation for the card's loss. Requires states in implementing this practice to protect vulnerable persons. (Sec. 4012) Authorizes the use of SNAP benefits for shares of community-supported agriculture. (Sec. 4013) Sets forth additional responsibilities for state agencies before restaurants may participate in a restaurant meals program. (Sec. 4014) Requires a state agency to use an income and eligibility, or an immigration status, verification system. (Sec. 4015) Requires a state agency to use an income and eligibility, or an immigration status, verification system. (Sec. 4016) Requires pilot projects to improve federal-state cooperation in reducing SNAP fraud. (Sec. 4017) Prohibits: (1) federal funds from being used to recruit SNAP recipients, and (2) recruitment activities by entities that receive SNAP funds. (Sec. 4018) Repeals the performance bonus program. (Sec. 4019) Reduces funding for employment and training programs. (Sec. 4020) Directs the Secretary to monitor SNAP employment and training programs and assess their effectiveness. (Sec. 4022) Establishes pilot projects to identify best practices for employment and training programs to increase the number of work registrants who obtain unsubsidized employment and reduce public assistance dependence. (Sec. 4023) Authorizes SNAP appropriations through FY2018. (Sec. 4024) Prohibits funds for Puerto Rico from being used to provide nutrition assistance in cash. (Sec. 4025) Provides additional assistance beginning in FY2014 for community food projects and designates funding for projects that provide incentives for low-income individuals to purchase more fruits and vegetables. (Sec. 4026) Extends commodity purchase authority through FY2018 for the emergency food assistance program. Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for emergency food program infrastructure grants. (Sec. 4028) Provides funding for the prevention of retailer trafficking. (Sec. 4031) Requires: (1) a study to assess the capabilities of the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to operate the SNAP program in the same manner it is operated in the states, and alternative models that best meet CNMI needs; and (2) establishment of a pilot program if the study determines that it is feasible for the CNMI to operate a SNAP program as operated in the states. Provides: (1) FY2014-FY2015 funding for such study, and FY2016-FY2018 funding for any pilot program that may be established. (Sec. 4023) Requires an annual state report to the Secretary regarding SNAP participant verification. Subtitle B: Commodity Distribution Programs - (Sec. 4101) Extends through FY2018: (1) the commodity distribution program, (2) the commodity supplemental food program, and (3) the distribution of surplus commodities to special nutrition projects program. Limits commodity supplemental food program eligibility to low-income persons 60 years or older. Permits persons under 60 years old currently being served by the program to remain in the program until they no longer meet eligibility requirements. (Sec. 4104) Amends the Commodity Distribution Reform Act and WIC Amendments of 1987 to authorize the Secretary to retain title to commodities delivered to a processor prior to their final delivery to a state distributing agency or to a recipient agency. Subtitle C: Miscellaneous - (Sec. 4201) Extends funding for the senior farmers' market nutrition program through FY2018. (Sec. 4202) Repeals the nutrition information and awareness pilot program. (Sec. 4204) Establishes a pilot grant program for the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables. (Sec. 4205) Permits each school food authority with a low annual commodity entitlement value to substitute locally and regionally grown and raised food for the authority's allotment of commodity assistance for the school lunch program. Authorizes farm-to-school demonstration programs to source local food in lieu of commodity assistance for school meal programs. (Sec. 4207) Establishes a healthy food financing initiative to improve access to healthy foods in underserved areas, create quality jobs, and revitalize low-income communities by providing loans and grants to fresh food retailers to overcome higher entry costs in such areas. Authorizes appropriations. Title V: Credit - Subtitle A: Farm Ownership Loans - (Sec. 5001) Allows: (1) additional legal entities to qualify for farm ownership loans, and (2) other acceptable experiences to qualify for the three-year farming eligibility requirement for direct loans. (Sec. 5002) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for the conservation loan and loan guarantee program. (Sec. 5003) Increases maximum down payment loan program amounts. Subtitle B: Operating Loans - (Sec. 5101) Allows additional legal entities to qualify for farm operating loans. (Sec. 5103) Authorizes the Secretary to waive the personal liability of a youth borrower if a loan default was due to circumstances beyond the borrower's control. (Sec. 5104) Authorizes a micro loan program for direct or guaranteed loans (maximum micro loan of $35,000 with a total micro loan indebtedness of $70,000 per borrower). Subtitle C: Emergency Loans - (Sec. 5201) Allows additional legal entities to qualify for emergency loans. Subtitle D: Administrative Provisions - (Sec. 5301) Extends the beginning farmer and rancher individual development accounts pilot program through FY2018. Subtitle E: State Agricultural Mediation Programs - (Sec. 5401) Extends state agricultural mediation programs through FY2018. Subtitle F: Loans to Purchasers of Highly Fractionated Land - (Sec. 5501) Amends the loan and loan guarantee program for Indian tribes and tribal corporations to purchase highly fractioned land within the reservation to permit loans to intermediaries to establish revolving loan funds for such purchases. Title VI: Rural Development - Subtitle A: Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act - (Sec. 6001) Extends through FY2018: water, waste disposal, and wastewater facility grants; rural business opportunity grants; funding for the federal share of developing tribal college or university essential community facilities; emergency and imminent community water assistance grants; grants to nonprofit organizations for water well system servicing for low- and moderate income households; rural cooperative development grants; loans to enterprises that process, store, and market locally or regionally produced agricultural food products; the intermediary relending program to finance rural business facilities and community development projects; grants for the federal share of acquiring radio transmitters to increase rural coverage by the weather radio broadcast system of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); the rural micro enterprise assistance program; the Delta Regional Authority; the Northern Great Plains Regional Authority; and the rural business investment program. (Sec. 6005) Authorizes appropriations for the rural water and wastewater circuit rider program. (Sec. 6007) Authorizes grants to public bodies and private nonprofit corporations for technical assistance and training for essential rural community facilities programs. (Sec. 6014) Directs the Secretary to develop and use a coordinated strategy to serve the local needs of rural communities when making investments in rural community colleges and technical colleges. Subtitle B: Rural Electrification Act of 1936 - (Sec. 6103) Extends through FY2018: (1) guarantee authority for rural electrification or telephone bonds and notes, (2) expansion of 911 access, and (3) loan guarantees for rural broadband telecommunications infrastructure. (Sec. 6105) Gives highest loan priority to applicants that offer to provide broadband service to the greatest proportion of households that had no incumbent service provider. Subtitle C: Miscellaneous - (Sec. 6201) Extends through FY2018: (1) the distance learning and telemedicine program, (2) value-added agricultural producer grants, and (3) the agriculture innovation center demonstration program. Title VII: Research, Extension, and Related Matters - Subtitle A: National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 - (Sec. 7102) Extends the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board until September 30, 2018. (Sec. 7104) Establishes a veterinary services grant program. Authorizes appropriations. (Sec. 7105) Extends through FY2018: grants and fellowships for food and agricultural sciences education, the nutrition education program, animal health and disease research programs, grants to upgrade agricultural and food sciences facilities at 1890 land-grant colleges and at land grant colleges in insular areas, grants for Hispanic-serving institutions, grants for international agricultural science and education, assistance for extension programs, assistance for university agricultural research, assistance for supplemental and alternative crops, aquaculture assistance programs, assistance for rangeland research programs, assistance for biosecurity planning, assistance for agricultural and food policy research centers, and assistance for distance education and resident instruction at insular-area institutions of higher education. (Sec. 7107) Repeals: the human nutrition intervention and health promotion research program, appropriations for research on national or regional problems, the pilot research program to combine medical and agricultural research, research equipment grants, and authority for national research and training virtual centers. (Sec. 7116) Establishes a grant program for training Hispanic agricultural workers and youth in the food and agricultural sciences. (Sec. 7124) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 to carry out this subtitle. (Sec. 7128) Requires the recipient of a competitive grant that involves applied research or extension and that is commodity- or state-specific to provide matching funds or in-kind contributions. Subtitle B: Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 - (Sec. 7201) Amends the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to replace the permanent authorization of appropriations with an authorization of appropriations through FY2018 for: research and extension projects that promote the best utilization of biological applications, integrated management and integrated crop research, the sustainable agriculture technology development and transfer program, and the national training program. (Sec. 7205) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for: the national genetics resources program, the national agricultural weather information system, high-priority research and extension initiatives, the assistive technology program for farmers with disabilities, the National Rural Information Center Clearinghouse. (Sec. 7206) Repeals: the national agricultural weather information system, the agricultural genome initiative, the electronic commerce extension program, authority for the red meat safety research center, the nutrient management research and extension initiative, and the agricultural bioenergy feedstock and energy efficiency research and extension initiative. (Sec. 7211) Extends CCC and additional funding through FY2018 for the organic agriculture research and extension initiative. (Sec. 7214) Authorizes the Secretary to prioritize for funding purposes regional centers of excellence established for specific agricultural commodities. States that a regional center of excellence shall be composed of one or more colleges and universities that provide financial support to the regional center of excellence. Subtitle C: Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998 - (Sec. 7302) Extends through FY2018: (1) integrated management systems programs; (2) research regarding diseases of wheat, triticale, and barley caused by Fusarium graminearum or by Tilletia indica; (3) grants for youth organizations; (4) the specialty crop research initiative; (5) the food animal residue avoidance database program; and (6) the Office of Pest Management Policy. (Sec. 7303) Repeals: (1) the program to improve the viability of small and medium dairy, livestock, and poultry operations; (2) bovine Johne's (livestock) disease control program; (3) the national swine research center; and (4) authority for certain studies of agricultural research, extension, and education. Subtitle D: Other Laws - (Sec. 7401) Extends through FY2018 programs and assistance under: (1) the Critical Agricultural Materials Act; (2) the Research Facilities Act; (3) the Renewable Resources Extension Act of 1978; (4) the National Aquaculture Act of 1980; and (5) the Competitive, Special, and Facilities Research Grant Act. (Sec. 7402) Revises "1994 Institutions" (Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994) provisions. (Sec. 7404) Repeals authority for certain: (1) carbon cycle research, and (2) remote sensing data use. (Sec. 7410) Extends the beginning farmer and rancher development program through FY2018. Makes beginning farmers and ranchers who are veterans eligible for program set-asides. (Sec. 7411) Extends coverage under the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Act to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Subtitle E: Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 - (Sec. 7501) Extends through FY2018: (1) the Agricultural Biosecurity Communication Center, (2) research and development of agricultural countermeasures, (3) training for agricultural biosecurity planning and response for food science professionals and veterinarians, (4) the agricultural biosecurity grant program, and (5) assistance to build local capacity in agricultural biosecurity planning and response. (Sec. 7513) Revises budget submission and funding provisions. (Sec. 7514) Repeals: (1) the antibiotic-resistant bacteria research grant program, (2) the farm and ranch stress assistance network, (3) the seed distribution program, and (4) the rural transportation research program. (Sec. 7517) Extends through FY2018: (1) the natural products research program, and (2) the sun grant program. Subtitle F: Miscellaneous Provisions - (Sec. 7601) Authorizes the Secretary to negotiate concession agreements at the National Arboretum with nonprofit organizations that support the Arboretum. (Sec. 7603) Authorizes a non-federal entity to construct, at no cost to the government, a facility for use by the Agricultural Research Service on land owned by the Agricultural Research Service and managed by the Secretary. (Directs the Secretary to accept the completed facility as a gift.) Title VIII: Forestry - Subtitle A: Repeal of Certain Forestry Programs - (Sec. 8001) Repeals: (1) the forest land enhancement program, (2) the watershed forestry assistance program, (3) the Hispanic-serving institution agricultural land leadership program, and (4) the tribal watershed forestry assistance program. Subtitle B: Reauthorization of Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978 Programs - (Sec. 8102) Extends the forest legacy program and the community forest and open space conservation program through FY2018. Subtitle C: Reauthorization of Other Forestry-Related Laws - (Sec. 8201) Extends the rural revitalization technologies program and the Office of International Forestry through FY2018. Subtitle D: National Forest Critical Area Response - (Sec. 8302) Directs the Secretary to designate critical areas within the National Forest System to address: (1) deteriorating forest health conditions due to insect infestation, drought, disease, or storm damage; and (2) the future risk of insect infestations or disease outbreaks through preventative treatments. (Sec. 8304) Allows the use of expedited environmental, administrative, and judicial procedures to be used for such areas. Subtitle E: Miscellaneous Provisions - (Sec. 8401) Directs the Secretary to revise the forest inventory strategic plan. (Sec. 8405) Provides that if a state seeks reimbursement for resources and services provided to another state for wildfire management the Secretary may accept the reimbursement from the other state pay to the state seeking reimbursement. Title IX: Energy - (Sec. 9002) Extends through FY2018: the biobased marketing program, biorefinery assistance, the bioenergy program for advanced biofuels, the biodiesel fuel education program, the repowering assistance program to reduce or eliminate biorefinery fossil fuel use, the rural energy for America program, biomass research and development, the feedstock flexibility program for bioenergy producers, the biomass crop assistance program, and the community wood energy program. (Sec. 9012) Repeals authority for the: (1) biofuels infrastructure study, and and (2) renewable fertilizer study. Title X: Horticulture - (Sec. 10001) Extends through FY2018: the specialty crop market news program, the farmers market and local food promotion program, organic production and market initiatives, food safety initiatives, and specialty crop block grants. (Sec. 10002) Repeals the specialty crop movement-to-market program. (Sec. 10005) Sets forth investigatory and enforcement provisions under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. (Sec. 10009) Exempts the bulk bin shipment of apples to Canada from specified Apple Export Act requirements. (Sec. 10010) Subjects imported olive oil to U.S. grade, size, and quality controls. (Sec. 10011) Repeals the coordinated plant management program and establishes the national clean plant network for diagnostic and pathogen elimination services to: (1) produce clean propagative plant material, and (2) maintain blocks of pathogen-tested plant material in sites throughout the United States. Makes funding available through FY2018. (Sec. 10012) Sets forth the conditions under which a pesticide registration may be modified, canceled, or suspended. (Sec. 10013) Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2013 - Prohibits, with specified exceptions, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state from requiring a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for a discharge from a point source into navigable waters of a pesticide authorized for sale, distribution, or use under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. (Sec. 10014) States that for purposes of notifications of arrival upon importation, seed, including treated seed, shall not be considered a pesticide or device. (Sec. 10015) Directs the Secretary to lift the administrative stay imposed by a 2011 USDA rule establishing an industry-funded promotion, research, and information program for fresh cut Christmas trees. Title XI: Crop Insurance - (Sec. 11002) Amends the Federal Crop Insurance Act to require the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) to publish on its website information on violations of the prohibition on premium adjustments. (Sec. 11003) Makes available to crop producers a supplemental coverage option (based on area yield and loss) to cover part of a crop insurance policy deductible. Triggers such option only if area losses exceed 10% of normal levels. Provides for: (1) 65% premium coverage by FCIC, and (2) coverage to begin no later than crop year 2014. (Sec. 11006) Makes permanent the pilot program under which FCIC pays a portion of the premiums for insurance plans or policies for which the insurable unit is defined as a whole farm or enterprise unit. (Sec. 11007) Makes separate enterprise units available for irrigated and non-irrigated acreages of crops beginning with crop year 2014. (Sec. 11009) Revises the adjustment in actual production history used to establish insurable yields. (Sec. 11010) Requires FCIC to: (1) review any policy or pilot program to carry out research and development for new crop insurance policies, and submit it to the Board of Directors if it will likely result in a marketable policy and improved coverage; and (2) make an additional annual reimbursement through reinsurance year 2015 to insurance companies selling specialty crop policies. (Sec. 11013) Provides crop insurance premiums at 50 percentage points less than the otherwise applicable subsidy for the first four crop years of planting on native sod acreage in the Prairie Pothole National Priority Area. (Sec. 11014) Authorizes a producer that grows an agricultural commodity on both dry land and irrigated land to elect a different insurance coverage level for each production practice beginning with crop year 2015. (Sec. 11015) Defines "beginning farmer or rancher" as a farmer or rancher who has not actively operated and managed a farm or ranch with a bona fide insurable interest in a crop or livestock as an owner-operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper for more than five crop years. (Sec. 11016) Requires FCIC, beginning not later than the 2014 upland cotton crop, to make available to producers of maximum eligible acres of upland cotton an additional policy (the Stacked Income Protection Plan). States that Plan coverage shall be in addition to all other coverages available to upland cotton producers. (Sec. 11017) Requires FCIC and the Risk Management Agency, beginning with the 2014 crop, to make available a revenue crop insurance program for peanuts based on a price equal to the Rotterdam price index for peanuts, as adjusted to reflect the farmer stock price of peanuts in the United States. (Sec. 11018) Requires FCIC to allow insurance providers to correct certain unintentional errors in producer-provided information. (Sec. 11019) Directs the Secretary to: (1) maintain and upgrade FCIC information management systems used in the administration and enforcement of this title, (2) implement an acreage reporting streamlining initiative to permit producers to report acreage and other information directly to USDA. (Sec. 11021) Requires FCIC to: contract for research and development for insuring producers of freshwater-reared catfish against reduction in the margin between market value and selected production costs; contract to determine the feasibility of insuring commercial poultry production against business disruptions caused by integrator bankruptcy, and for a study to determine the feasibility of insuring poultry producers for a catastrophic event; contract for research and development of insuring biomass and sweet sorghum grown to produce feedstocks for renewable biofuel, renewable electricity, or biobased products; contract for a feasibility study of insuring swine producers for a catastrophic event; develop a whole farm risk management insurance plan (with liability of up to $1.25 million); and contract for a study to determine whether offering policies providing coverage for specialty crops from food safety and contamination issues would benefit agricultural producers. (Sec. 11022) Authorizes FCIC to enter into partnerships with public and private entities to increase risk management tools for producers or improve compliance. Title XII: Miscellaneous - Subtitle A: Livestock - (Sec. 12101) Extends through FY2018: (1) the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center. (2) the national aquatic animal health plan, and (3) the trichinae certification program. (Sec. 12105) Directs the Secretary, through the Office of the Chief Economist, to conduct an economic analysis of the USDA's proposed rule "Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, Goat Meat, Wild and Farm-raised Fish and Shellfish, Perishable Agricultural Commodities, Peanuts, Pecans, Ginseng and Macadamia Nuts." (Sec. 12106) Directs the Secretary to enter into contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements with eligible laboratories to: (1) enhance USDA's capability to detect and respond to animal health threats and to support the protection of public health, the environment, and the agricultural economy; (2) coordinate enhancement of national veterinary diagnostic laboratory capabilities; and (3) provide for standardized laboratory biosafety and biosecurity levels. Authorizes appropriations through FY2018. (Sec. 12107) Repeals a provision of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 establishing an inspection and grading program for catfish and other species of farm-raised fish or shellfish effective on the date of enactment of such Act. (Sec. 12108) Directs the Secretary to ensure that USDA continues to administer the avian influenza surveillance program in commercial poultry through the General Conference Committee and the national poultry improvement program. (Sec. 12109) Directs the Secretary to report to Congress on the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in Texas from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 2013. Subtitle B: Socially Disadvantaged Producers and Limited Resource Producers - (Sec. 12201) Provides funding through FY2018 for: (1) outreach and assistance to socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers (includes veteran farmers and ranchers in the program), and (2) the Office of Advocacy and Outreach. (Sec. 12203) Directs the Secretary to award a grant to a college or university eligible to receive funds under the Act of August 30, 1890, including Tuskegee University, to establish the Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center. Subtitle C: Other Miscellaneous Provisions - (Sec. 12302) Provides funding through FY2018 for grants to improve the supply, stability, safety, and training of the agricultural labor force. (Sec. 12304) Establishes: (1) an Office of Tribal Relations within the Office of the Secretary; and (2) a USDA position of Military Veterans Agricultural Liaison to provide information to returning military veterans on beginning farmer training, agricultural vocational and rehabilitation programs. (Sec. 12307) Provides coverages based on individual yields (other than for value-loss crops) under the noninsured crop disaster assistance program equivalent to: (1) catastrophic risk protection, or (2) specified additional coverage. Reduces the premium for additional coverage by 50% for limited resource, beginning, and socially disadvantaged farmers. (Sec. 12308) Requires each federal agency to have guidelines in effect for ensuring the quality of scientific information by January 1, 2014. (Sec. 12309) Prohibits the Secretary from closing or relocating a Farm Service Agency county or field office in a state if the office has a high workload volume compared with other county offices in the state. (Sec. 12310) Authorizes: (1) the Secretary to make grants to state and tribal governments and research institutions to promote the domestic maple syrup industry, and (2) program appropriations through FY2018. (Sec. 12311)Directs the Secretary to review publications that may give notice that the EPA is preparing or plans to prepare any guidance, policy, memorandum, regulation, or statement of general applicability and future effect that may have a significant impact on a substantial number of agricultural entities. (Sec. 12313) Prohibits any person from knowingly attending an animal fighting venture or causing a minor to attend such a venture. (Sec. 12314) Prohibits any state or local government from imposing standards or conditions on the production or manufacture of agricultural products sold in interstate commerce if: (1) such production or manufacture occurs in another state, and (2) the standard or condition is in addition to the standards and conditions applicable pursuant to federal law and the laws of the state and locality in which such production or manufacture occurs. (Sec. 12315) Directs the Secretary to increase flood protection for farmers, producers, and other agricultural interests in the Missouri River basin by: (1) recalculating the amount of space within the Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System that is allocated to flood control storage, and (2) increasing the River's channel capacity between the reservoirs and below Gavins Point. (Sec. 12316) Directs the Secretary to increase flood protection to farmers, producers, and other agricultural interests around the Wallkill River and in the Black Dirt region.
To provide for the reform and continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes.
Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 - Title I: Commodities - Subtitle A: Repeals and Reforms - (Sec. 1101) Repeals, but continues for crop year 2013: (1) direct payments, (2) countercyclical payments, and (3) the average crop revenue election program (ACRE). (Sec. 1105) Directs the Secretary of Agriculture (USDA) to provide for a farm's base acreage adjustment for covered commodities if: (1) a conservation reserve contract expires or is voluntarily terminated, (2) cropland is released from conservation reserve contract coverage, or (3) the producer has eligible oilseed acreage. (Sec. 1106) Directs the Secretary to establish a yield for each farm for any designated oilseed for which a payment yield was not established. (Sec. 1107) Provides for crop years 2014-2018 either: (1) price loss coverage if a covered commodity's effective price is less than its reference price; or (2) alternative revenue loss coverage, as a permanent one-time election, if a covered commodity's county revenue is less than the county revenue loss coverage trigger. (Sec. 1108) Requires producers to comply with specified conservation requirements in order to receive payments under this subtitle. (Sec. 1109) States that this subtitle shall be effective for crop years 2014-2018. Subtitle B: Marketing Loans - (Sec. 1201) Authorizes: nonrecourse marketing assistance loans through crop year 2018; loan deficiency payments through crop year 2018; payments in lieu of loan deficiency payments for wheat, oats, or barley acreage used for grazing through crop year 2018; programs for upland cotton and extra long staple cotton; assistance for peanuts; and recourse loans for high moisture feed grains and seed cotton through crop year 2018. (Sec. 1210) Authorizes loan rate adjustments for any loan commodity (other than cotton) for differences in grade, type, quality, location, and other factors. Subtitle C: Sugar - (Sec. 1301) Provides nonrecourse loans to processors of domestically grown sugarcane and domestically grown sugar beets through crop year 2018. Directs the Secretary to make sugarcane and sugar beet quantity estimates through crop year 2018 for: (1) human consumption, (2) carryover stocks, (3) carry-in stocks, (4) domestic processing, and (5) imports. Subtitle D: Dairy - Part I: Dairy Producer Margin Protection and Dairy Market Stabilization Programs - (Sec. 1411) Establishes a dairy production margin protection program under which participating dairy operations are paid: (1) basic production margin protection program payments when production margins are less than threshold levels, and (2) supplemental production margin protection program payments if purchased by a participating dairy operation. Provides for retroactive basic margin protection and retroactive supplemental margin protection. (Sec. 1414) Makes: (1) all participating dairy producers eligible for basic margin protection, and (2) additional supplemental margin protection available on an annual basis. (Sec. 1431) Establishes a dairy market stabilization program to assist in balancing the supply of milk with demand when participating dairy operations are experiencing low or negative operating margins. (Sec. 1437) Makes it unlawful for any person subject to the stabilization program to willfully fail or refuse to provide, or delay the timely reporting of, accurate information and remittance of funds to the Secretary. (Sec. 1462) Terminates the production margin protection and stabilization programs on December 31, 2018. Part II: Repeal or Reauthorization of Other Dairy-Related Provisions - (Sec. 1481) Repeals: (1) the dairy products price support program, (2) the milk income loss contract program, and (3) the dairy export incentive program. (Sec. 1483) Extends: (1) the dairy indemnity program, (2) the dairy forward pricing program, and (3) the dairy promotion and research program. Part III: Effective Date - (Sec. 1491) Makes the provisions of this subtitle effective on October 1, 2013. Subtitle E: Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance Programs - (Sec. 1501) Provides livestock indemnity payments through FY2018 to eligible producers on farms that have incurred excess livestock death losses due to: (1) attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government or protected by federal law, or (2) adverse weather. Provides compensation through FY2018 to eligible livestock producers for grazing losses caused by drought or fire. Provides emergency assistance through FY2018 to eligible producers of livestock, honey bees, and farm-raised fish to aid in the reduction of losses due to disease or adverse weather. Provides assistance through FY2018 to eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers that planted trees for commercial purposes but lost the trees as a result of a natural disaster, and to eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers that have a production history for commercial purposes on planted or existing trees but lost the trees as a result of a natural disaster. Subtitle F: Administration - (Sec. 1601) Directs the Secretary to use Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds, facilities, and authorities to carry out this title. (Sec. 1602) Suspends permanent price support authority under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and the Agricultural Act of 1949 for covered commodities, cotton, and sugar through crop year 2018, and for milk through December 31, 2018. Suspends certain quota provisions for the 2014-2018 wheat crops. (Sec. 1603) Revises specified payment limitation provisions. (Sec. 1604) Prohibits a person or legal entity from receiving specified agricultural benefits during a crop, fiscal, or program year if the average adjusted gross income of such person or entity exceeds $950,000. (Sec. 1605) Extends specified direct reimbursement payments for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers through FY2018. (Sec. 1607) Directs the Secretary to preclude the issuance of agricultural payments to, and on behalf of, deceased individuals that were not eligible for payments. (Sec. 1612) Directs the Secretary to: (1) reduce producer paperwork and other administrative requirements, and (2) maintain base acres and payment yields for covered commodities and upland cotton through September 30, 2018. Makes $100 million available to the Farm Service Agency to carry out this title. (Sec. 1613) Provides for the protection of certain producer information. Title II: Conservation - Subtitle A: Conservation Reserve Program - (Sec. 2001) Extends the conservation reserve program (CRP) through FY2018. Sets forth maximum CRP acreage enrollments for FY2014- FY2018. Makes grasslands eligible for CRP enrollment, but limits enrollment to 2 million acres at any one time during FY2014-FY2018. Eliminates designation of the Chesapeake Bay Region, the Great Lakes Region, and the Long Island Sound Region as watershed areas. (Sec. 2002) Extends the farmable wetland program through FY2018. Eliminates the program's pilot program designation. Subtitle B: Conservation Stewardship Program - (Sec. 2101) Revises, and extends through FY2018, the conservation stewardship program. Limits aggregate payments to a person or entity to $200,000 during FY2014-FY2018. Subtitle C: Environmental Quality Incentives Program - (Sec. 2201) Extends the environmental quality incentives program through FY2018. Requires that 60% of FY2014-FY2018 program funds be used for livestock production practices, and that 5% of such funds be used for wildlife habitat practices. Provides payments for wildlife habitat development. (Sec. 2205) Applies program limitations to the period FY2014-FY2018. Subtitle D: Agricultural Conservation Easement Program - (Sec. 2301) Establishes the agricultural conservation easement program for the conservation of eligible land and natural resources through easements or other interests in land. (Combines the purposes and coordinates the functions of the wetlands reserve program, the grassland reserve program, and the farmland protection program.) Sets forth agricultural land and wetland easement provisions. Makes the provisions of this subtitle effective on October 1, 2013. Subtitle E: Regional Conservation Partnership Program - (Sec. 2401) Establishes a regional conservation partnership program to: (1) accomplish purposes similar to the agricultural water enhancement program, the Chesapeake Bay watershed program, the cooperative conservation partnership initiative, and the Great Lakes basin program; (2) further the conservation use of natural resources on a regional or watershed scale; and (3) encourage partners to cooperate with producers in meeting or avoiding the need for regulatory requirements related to production on eligible land and implementing projects that affect multiple agricultural or nonindustrial private forest operations on a local, state, or regional basis. Authorizes the Secretary to enter into a partnership agreement for up to 5 years, with a one-time extension for up to 12 months. Directs the Secretary to designate up to eight critical conservation areas Provides program funding for FY2014-FY2018. Makes the provisions of this subtitle effective on October 1, 2013. Subtitle F: Other Conservation Programs - (Sec. 2501) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for: (1) the conservation of private grazing land program, (2) the grass roots source water protection program, (3) the voluntary public access and habitat incentive program, and (4) the small watershed rehabilitation program. Subtitle G: Funding and Administration - (Sec. 2601) Authorizes the use of Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds through FY2018 for: the conservation reserve program, including specified amounts for transferring contract land from retiring owners and operators to beginning and disadvantaged farmers and ranchers; the agricultural conservation easement program; the conservation security program; the conservation stewardship program; and the environmental quality incentives program. Subtitle H: Repeal of Superseded Program Authorities and Transitional Provisions; Technical Amendments - (Sec. 2701) Repeals: the conservation enhancement program, the emergency forestry conservation reserve program, the wetlands reserve program, the farmland protection program, the grassland reserve program, the agricultural water enhancement program, the wildlife habitat incentive program, the Great Lakes Basin program, the Chesapeake Bay watershed program, the cooperative conservation partnership initiative, and the environmental easement program. Title III: Trade - Subtitle A: Food for Peace Act - (Sec. 3001) Extends specified programs and authorizations of appropriations under the Food for Peace Act through FY2018. Subtitle B: Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 - (Sec. 3101) Extends through FY2018: (1) export credit guarantee programs, (2) the market access program, and (3) the foreign market cooperator program. Subtitle C: Other Agricultural Trade Laws - (Sec. 3201) Extends through FY2018: the food for progress program, the Bill Emerson humanitarian trust, the McGovern-Dole international food for education and child nutrition program, technical assistance for specialty crops, and the Global Crop Diversity Trust. (Sec. 3205) Extends funding for specialty crop technical assistance through FY2018. (Sec. 3207) Authorizes the Secretary to establish the position of Under Secretary of Agriculture for Foreign Agricultural Services. Title IV: Nutrition - Subtitle A: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - (Sec. 4001) Amends the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to prohibit the payment of a deposit fee in excess of any state fee reimbursement to recipients of supplemental nutrition assistance (SNAP, formerly known as the food stamp program) for the return of empty bottles and cans used to contain food purchased with SNAP benefits. (Sec. 4002) Requires participating retail food stores to: (1) offer perishable goods in at least three staple food categories, and (2) provide adequate electronic benefit transfer (EBT) service. Requires participating retail food stores (including restaurants participating in a state option restaurant program intended to serve the elderly, disabled, and homeless), with certain exceptions, to pay 100% of the costs of acquiring and arranging for the implementation of EBT point-of-sale equipment and supplies. Prohibits a state from issuing manual vouchers unless the Secretary determines that such vouchers are necessary. Requires parties providing EBT transfer services to maintain a unique business identification and a unique terminal identification number through the SNAP routing system. (Sec. 4003) Includes as eligible retailers governmental or nonprofit food purchasing delivery services that serve elderly or disabled individuals who are unable to shop for food. (Sec. 4004) Reauthorizes the Indian reservation food distribution program. (Sec. 4005) Restricts categorical SNAP eligibility to only those households receiving cash assistance through other low-income assistance programs. (Sec. 4006) Excludes medical marijuana as an excess medical expense deduction. (Sec. 4007) Requires a household to receive a low-income heating and energy assistance program payment of $20 or more annually in order to receive the SNAP utility allowance deduction. (Sec. 4009) Makes any household in which a member receives substantial lottery or gambling winnings ineligible for SNAP benefits. (Sec. 4010) States that, if a household makes excessive requests for replacement of its EBT card, the Secretary may require a state agency to decline to issue a replacement card unless the household provides an explanation for the card's loss. Requires states in implementing this practice to protect vulnerable persons. (Sec. 4012) Authorizes the use of SNAP benefits for shares of community-supported agriculture. (Sec. 4013) Sets forth additional responsibilities for state agencies before restaurants may participate in a restaurant meals program. (Sec. 4014) Requires a state agency to use an income and eligibility, or an immigration status, verification system. (Sec. 4015) Requires a state agency to use an income and eligibility, or an immigration status, verification system. (Sec. 4016) Requires pilot projects to improve federal-state cooperation in reducing SNAP fraud. (Sec. 4017) Prohibits: (1) federal funds from being used to recruit SNAP recipients, and (2) recruitment activities by entities that receive SNAP funds. (Sec. 4018) Repeals the performance bonus program. (Sec. 4019) Reduces funding for employment and training programs. (Sec. 4020) Directs the Secretary to monitor SNAP employment and training programs and assess their effectiveness. (Sec. 4022) Establishes pilot projects to identify best practices for employment and training programs to increase the number of work registrants who obtain unsubsidized employment and reduce public assistance dependence. (Sec. 4023) Authorizes SNAP appropriations through FY2018. (Sec. 4024) Prohibits funds for Puerto Rico from being used to provide nutrition assistance in cash. (Sec. 4025) Provides additional assistance beginning in FY2014 for community food projects and designates funding for projects that provide incentives for low-income individuals to purchase more fruits and vegetables. (Sec. 4026) Extends commodity purchase authority through FY2018 for the emergency food assistance program. Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for emergency food program infrastructure grants. (Sec. 4028) Provides funding for the prevention of retailer trafficking. (Sec. 4031) Requires: (1) a study to assess the capabilities of the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to operate the SNAP program in the same manner it is operated in the states, and alternative models that best meet CNMI needs; and (2) establishment of a pilot program if the study determines that it is feasible for the CNMI to operate a SNAP program as operated in the states. Provides: (1) FY2014-FY2015 funding for such study, and FY2016-FY2018 funding for any pilot program that may be established. (Sec. 4023) Requires an annual state report to the Secretary regarding SNAP participant verification. Subtitle B: Commodity Distribution Programs - (Sec. 4101) Extends through FY2018: (1) the commodity distribution program, (2) the commodity supplemental food program, and (3) the distribution of surplus commodities to special nutrition projects program. Limits commodity supplemental food program eligibility to low-income persons 60 years or older. Permits persons under 60 years old currently being served by the program to remain in the program until they no longer meet eligibility requirements. (Sec. 4104) Amends the Commodity Distribution Reform Act and WIC Amendments of 1987 to authorize the Secretary to retain title to commodities delivered to a processor prior to their final delivery to a state distributing agency or to a recipient agency. Subtitle C: Miscellaneous - (Sec. 4201) Extends funding for the senior farmers' market nutrition program through FY2018. (Sec. 4202) Repeals the nutrition information and awareness pilot program. (Sec. 4204) Establishes a pilot grant program for the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables. (Sec. 4205) Permits each school food authority with a low annual commodity entitlement value to substitute locally and regionally grown and raised food for the authority's allotment of commodity assistance for the school lunch program. Authorizes farm-to-school demonstration programs to source local food in lieu of commodity assistance for school meal programs. (Sec. 4207) Establishes a healthy food financing initiative to improve access to healthy foods in underserved areas, create quality jobs, and revitalize low-income communities by providing loans and grants to fresh food retailers to overcome higher entry costs in such areas. Authorizes appropriations. Title V: Credit - Subtitle A: Farm Ownership Loans - (Sec. 5001) Allows: (1) additional legal entities to qualify for farm ownership loans, and (2) other acceptable experiences to qualify for the three-year farming eligibility requirement for direct loans. (Sec. 5002) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for the conservation loan and loan guarantee program. (Sec. 5003) Increases maximum down payment loan program amounts. Subtitle B: Operating Loans - (Sec. 5101) Allows additional legal entities to qualify for farm operating loans. (Sec. 5103) Authorizes the Secretary to waive the personal liability of a youth borrower if a loan default was due to circumstances beyond the borrower's control. (Sec. 5104) Authorizes a micro loan program for direct or guaranteed loans (maximum micro loan of $35,000 with a total micro loan indebtedness of $70,000 per borrower). Subtitle C: Emergency Loans - (Sec. 5201) Allows additional legal entities to qualify for emergency loans. Subtitle D: Administrative Provisions - (Sec. 5301) Extends the beginning farmer and rancher individual development accounts pilot program through FY2018. Subtitle E: State Agricultural Mediation Programs - (Sec. 5401) Extends state agricultural mediation programs through FY2018. Subtitle F: Loans to Purchasers of Highly Fractionated Land - (Sec. 5501) Amends the loan and loan guarantee program for Indian tribes and tribal corporations to purchase highly fractioned land within the reservation to permit loans to intermediaries to establish revolving loan funds for such purchases. Title VI: Rural Development - Subtitle A: Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act - (Sec. 6001) Extends through FY2018: water, waste disposal, and wastewater facility grants; rural business opportunity grants; funding for the federal share of developing tribal college or university essential community facilities; emergency and imminent community water assistance grants; grants to nonprofit organizations for water well system servicing for low- and moderate income households; rural cooperative development grants; loans to enterprises that process, store, and market locally or regionally produced agricultural food products; the intermediary relending program to finance rural business facilities and community development projects; grants for the federal share of acquiring radio transmitters to increase rural coverage by the weather radio broadcast system of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); the rural micro enterprise assistance program; the Delta Regional Authority; the Northern Great Plains Regional Authority; and the rural business investment program. (Sec. 6005) Authorizes appropriations for the rural water and wastewater circuit rider program. (Sec. 6007) Authorizes grants to public bodies and private nonprofit corporations for technical assistance and training for essential rural community facilities programs. (Sec. 6014) Directs the Secretary to develop and use a coordinated strategy to serve the local needs of rural communities when making investments in rural community colleges and technical colleges. Subtitle B: Rural Electrification Act of 1936 - (Sec. 6103) Extends through FY2018: (1) guarantee authority for rural electrification or telephone bonds and notes, (2) expansion of 911 access, and (3) loan guarantees for rural broadband telecommunications infrastructure. (Sec. 6105) Gives highest loan priority to applicants that offer to provide broadband service to the greatest proportion of households that had no incumbent service provider. Subtitle C: Miscellaneous - (Sec. 6201) Extends through FY2018: (1) the distance learning and telemedicine program, (2) value-added agricultural producer grants, and (3) the agriculture innovation center demonstration program. Title VII: Research, Extension, and Related Matters - Subtitle A: National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 - (Sec. 7102) Extends the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board until September 30, 2018. (Sec. 7104) Establishes a veterinary services grant program. Authorizes appropriations. (Sec. 7105) Extends through FY2018: grants and fellowships for food and agricultural sciences education, the nutrition education program, animal health and disease research programs, grants to upgrade agricultural and food sciences facilities at 1890 land-grant colleges and at land grant colleges in insular areas, grants for Hispanic-serving institutions, grants for international agricultural science and education, assistance for extension programs, assistance for university agricultural research, assistance for supplemental and alternative crops, aquaculture assistance programs, assistance for rangeland research programs, assistance for biosecurity planning, assistance for agricultural and food policy research centers, and assistance for distance education and resident instruction at insular-area institutions of higher education. (Sec. 7107) Repeals: the human nutrition intervention and health promotion research program, appropriations for research on national or regional problems, the pilot research program to combine medical and agricultural research, research equipment grants, and authority for national research and training virtual centers. (Sec. 7116) Establishes a grant program for training Hispanic agricultural workers and youth in the food and agricultural sciences. (Sec. 7124) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 to carry out this subtitle. (Sec. 7128) Requires the recipient of a competitive grant that involves applied research or extension and that is commodity- or state-specific to provide matching funds or in-kind contributions. Subtitle B: Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 - (Sec. 7201) Amends the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to replace the permanent authorization of appropriations with an authorization of appropriations through FY2018 for: research and extension projects that promote the best utilization of biological applications, integrated management and integrated crop research, the sustainable agriculture technology development and transfer program, and the national training program. (Sec. 7205) Authorizes appropriations through FY2018 for: the national genetics resources program, the national agricultural weather information system, high-priority research and extension initiatives, the assistive technology program for farmers with disabilities, the National Rural Information Center Clearinghouse. (Sec. 7206) Repeals: the national agricultural weather information system, the agricultural genome initiative, the electronic commerce extension program, authority for the red meat safety research center, the nutrient management research and extension initiative, and the agricultural bioenergy feedstock and energy efficiency research and extension initiative. (Sec. 7211) Extends CCC and additional funding through FY2018 for the organic agriculture research and extension initiative. (Sec. 7214) Authorizes the Secretary to prioritize for funding purposes regional centers of excellence established for specific agricultural commodities. States that a regional center of excellence shall be composed of one or more colleges and universities that provide financial support to the regional center of excellence. Subtitle C: Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998 - (Sec. 7302) Extends through FY2018: (1) integrated management systems programs; (2) research regarding diseases of wheat, triticale, and barley caused by Fusarium graminearum or by Tilletia indica; (3) grants for youth organizations; (4) the specialty crop research initiative; (5) the food animal residue avoidance database program; and (6) the Office of Pest Management Policy. (Sec. 7303) Repeals: (1) the program to improve the viability of small and medium dairy, livestock, and poultry operations; (2) bovine Johne's (livestock) disease control program; (3) the national swine research center; and (4) authority for certain studies of agricultural research, extension, and education. Subtitle D: Other Laws - (Sec. 7401) Extends through FY2018 programs and assistance under: (1) the Critical Agricultural Materials Act; (2) the Research Facilities Act; (3) the Renewable Resources Extension Act of 1978; (4) the National Aquaculture Act of 1980; and (5) the Competitive, Special, and Facilities Research Grant Act. (Sec. 7402) Revises "1994 Institutions" (Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994) provisions. (Sec. 7404) Repeals authority for certain: (1) carbon cycle research, and (2) remote sensing data use. (Sec. 7410) Extends the beginning farmer and rancher development program through FY2018. Makes beginning farmers and ranchers who are veterans eligible for program set-asides. (Sec. 7411) Extends coverage under the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Act to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Subtitle E: Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 - (Sec. 7501) Extends through FY2018: (1) the Agricultural Biosecurity Communication Center, (2) research and development of agricultural countermeasures, (3) training for agricultural biosecurity planning and response for food science professionals and veterinarians, (4) the agricultural biosecurity grant program, and (5) assistance to build local capacity in agricultural biosecurity planning and response. (Sec. 7513) Revises budget submission and funding provisions. (Sec. 7514) Repeals: (1) the antibiotic-resistant bacteria research grant program, (2) the farm and ranch stress assistance network, (3) the seed distribution program, and (4) the rural transportation research program. (Sec. 7517) Extends through FY2018: (1) the natural products research program, and (2) the sun grant program. Subtitle F: Miscellaneous Provisions - (Sec. 7601) Authorizes the Secretary to negotiate concession agreements at the National Arboretum with nonprofit organizations that support the Arboretum. (Sec. 7603) Authorizes a non-federal entity to construct, at no cost to the government, a facility for use by the Agricultural Research Service on land owned by the Agricultural Research Service and managed by the Secretary. (Directs the Secretary to accept the completed facility as a gift.) Title VIII: Forestry - Subtitle A: Repeal of Certain Forestry Programs - (Sec. 8001) Repeals: (1) the forest land enhancement program, (2) the watershed forestry assistance program, (3) the Hispanic-serving institution agricultural land leadership program, and (4) the tribal watershed forestry assistance program. Subtitle B: Reauthorization of Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978 Programs - (Sec. 8102) Extends the forest legacy program and the community forest and open space conservation program through FY2018. Subtitle C: Reauthorization of Other Forestry-Related Laws - (Sec. 8201) Extends the rural revitalization technologies program and the Office of International Forestry through FY2018. Subtitle D: National Forest Critical Area Response - (Sec. 8302) Directs the Secretary to designate critical areas within the National Forest System to address: (1) deteriorating forest health conditions due to insect infestation, drought, disease, or storm damage; and (2) the future risk of insect infestations or disease outbreaks through preventative treatments. (Sec. 8304) Allows the use of expedited environmental, administrative, and judicial procedures to be used for such areas. Subtitle E: Miscellaneous Provisions - (Sec. 8401) Directs the Secretary to revise the forest inventory strategic plan. (Sec. 8405) Provides that if a state seeks reimbursement for resources and services provided to another state for wildfire management the Secretary may accept the reimbursement from the other state pay to the state seeking reimbursement. Title IX: Energy - (Sec. 9002) Extends through FY2018: the biobased marketing program, biorefinery assistance, the bioenergy program for advanced biofuels, the biodiesel fuel education program, the repowering assistance program to reduce or eliminate biorefinery fossil fuel use, the rural energy for America program, biomass research and development, the feedstock flexibility program for bioenergy producers, the biomass crop assistance program, and the community wood energy program. (Sec. 9012) Repeals authority for the: (1) biofuels infrastructure study, and and (2) renewable fertilizer study. Title X: Horticulture - (Sec. 10001) Extends through FY2018: the specialty crop market news program, the farmers market and local food promotion program, organic production and market initiatives, food safety initiatives, and specialty crop block grants. (Sec. 10002) Repeals the specialty crop movement-to-market program. (Sec. 10005) Sets forth investigatory and enforcement provisions under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. (Sec. 10009) Exempts the bulk bin shipment of apples to Canada from specified Apple Export Act requirements. (Sec. 10010) Subjects imported olive oil to U.S. grade, size, and quality controls. (Sec. 10011) Repeals the coordinated plant management program and establishes the national clean plant network for diagnostic and pathogen elimination services to: (1) produce clean propagative plant material, and (2) maintain blocks of pathogen-tested plant material in sites throughout the United States. Makes funding available through FY2018. (Sec. 10012) Sets forth the conditions under which a pesticide registration may be modified, canceled, or suspended. (Sec. 10013) Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2013 - Prohibits, with specified exceptions, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state from requiring a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for a discharge from a point source into navigable waters of a pesticide authorized for sale, distribution, or use under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. (Sec. 10014) States that for purposes of notifications of arrival upon importation, seed, including treated seed, shall not be considered a pesticide or device. (Sec. 10015) Directs the Secretary to lift the administrative stay imposed by a 2011 USDA rule establishing an industry-funded promotion, research, and information program for fresh cut Christmas trees. Title XI: Crop Insurance - (Sec. 11002) Amends the Federal Crop Insurance Act to require the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) to publish on its website information on violations of the prohibition on premium adjustments. (Sec. 11003) Makes available to crop producers a supplemental coverage option (based on area yield and loss) to cover part of a crop insurance policy deductible. Triggers such option only if area losses exceed 10% of normal levels. Provides for: (1) 65% premium coverage by FCIC, and (2) coverage to begin no later than crop year 2014. (Sec. 11006) Makes permanent the pilot program under which FCIC pays a portion of the premiums for insurance plans or policies for which the insurable unit is defined as a whole farm or enterprise unit. (Sec. 11007) Makes separate enterprise units available for irrigated and non-irrigated acreages of crops beginning with crop year 2014. (Sec. 11009) Revises the adjustment in actual production history used to establish insurable yields. (Sec. 11010) Requires FCIC to: (1) review any policy or pilot program to carry out research and development for new crop insurance policies, and submit it to the Board of Directors if it will likely result in a marketable policy and improved coverage; and (2) make an additional annual reimbursement through reinsurance year 2015 to insurance companies selling specialty crop policies. (Sec. 11013) Provides crop insurance premiums at 50 percentage points less than the otherwise applicable subsidy for the first four crop years of planting on native sod acreage in the Prairie Pothole National Priority Area. (Sec. 11014) Authorizes a producer that grows an agricultural commodity on both dry land and irrigated land to elect a different insurance coverage level for each production practice beginning with crop year 2015. (Sec. 11015) Defines "beginning farmer or rancher" as a farmer or rancher who has not actively operated and managed a farm or ranch with a bona fide insurable interest in a crop or livestock as an owner-operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper for more than five crop years. (Sec. 11016) Requires FCIC, beginning not later than the 2014 upland cotton crop, to make available to producers of maximum eligible acres of upland cotton an additional policy (the Stacked Income Protection Plan). States that Plan coverage shall be in addition to all other coverages available to upland cotton producers. (Sec. 11017) Requires FCIC and the Risk Management Agency, beginning with the 2014 crop, to make available a revenue crop insurance program for peanuts based on a price equal to the Rotterdam price index for peanuts, as adjusted to reflect the farmer stock price of peanuts in the United States. (Sec. 11018) Requires FCIC to allow insurance providers to correct certain unintentional errors in producer-provided information. (Sec. 11019) Directs the Secretary to: (1) maintain and upgrade FCIC information management systems used in the administration and enforcement of this title, (2) implement an acreage reporting streamlining initiative to permit producers to report acreage and other information directly to USDA. (Sec. 11021) Requires FCIC to: contract for research and development for insuring producers of freshwater-reared catfish against reduction in the margin between market value and selected production costs; contract to determine the feasibility of insuring commercial poultry production against business disruptions caused by integrator bankruptcy, and for a study to determine the feasibility of insuring poultry producers for a catastrophic event; contract for research and development of insuring biomass and sweet sorghum grown to produce feedstocks for renewable biofuel, renewable electricity, or biobased products; contract for a feasibility study of insuring swine producers for a catastrophic event; develop a whole farm risk management insurance plan (with liability of up to $1.25 million); and contract for a study to determine whether offering policies providing coverage for specialty crops from food safety and contamination issues would benefit agricultural producers. (Sec. 11022) Authorizes FCIC to enter into partnerships with public and private entities to increase risk management tools for producers or improve compliance. Title XII: Miscellaneous - Subtitle A: Livestock - (Sec. 12101) Extends through FY2018: (1) the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center. (2) the national aquatic animal health plan, and (3) the trichinae certification program. (Sec. 12105) Directs the Secretary, through the Office of the Chief Economist, to conduct an economic analysis of the USDA's proposed rule "Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, Goat Meat, Wild and Farm-raised Fish and Shellfish, Perishable Agricultural Commodities, Peanuts, Pecans, Ginseng and Macadamia Nuts." (Sec. 12106) Directs the Secretary to enter into contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements with eligible laboratories to: (1) enhance USDA's capability to detect and respond to animal health threats and to support the protection of public health, the environment, and the agricultural economy; (2) coordinate enhancement of national veterinary diagnostic laboratory capabilities; and (3) provide for standardized laboratory biosafety and biosecurity levels. Authorizes appropriations through FY2018. (Sec. 12107) Repeals a provision of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 establishing an inspection and grading program for catfish and other species of farm-raised fish or shellfish effective on the date of enactment of such Act. (Sec. 12108) Directs the Secretary to ensure that USDA continues to administer the avian influenza surveillance program in commercial poultry through the General Conference Committee and the national poultry improvement program. (Sec. 12109) Directs the Secretary to report to Congress on the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in Texas from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 2013. Subtitle B: Socially Disadvantaged Producers and Limited Resource Producers - (Sec. 12201) Provides funding through FY2018 for: (1) outreach and assistance to socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers (includes veteran farmers and ranchers in the program), and (2) the Office of Advocacy and Outreach. (Sec. 12203) Directs the Secretary to award a grant to a college or university eligible to receive funds under the Act of August 30, 1890, including Tuskegee University, to establish the Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center. Subtitle C: Other Miscellaneous Provisions - (Sec. 12302) Provides funding through FY2018 for grants to improve the supply, stability, safety, and training of the agricultural labor force. (Sec. 12304) Establishes: (1) an Office of Tribal Relations within the Office of the Secretary; and (2) a USDA position of Military Veterans Agricultural Liaison to provide information to returning military veterans on beginning farmer training, agricultural vocational and rehabilitation programs. (Sec. 12307) Provides coverages based on individual yields (other than for value-loss crops) under the noninsured crop disaster assistance program equivalent to: (1) catastrophic risk protection, or (2) specified additional coverage. Reduces the premium for additional coverage by 50% for limited resource, beginning, and socially disadvantaged farmers. (Sec. 12308) Requires each federal agency to have guidelines in effect for ensuring the quality of scientific information by January 1, 2014. (Sec. 12309) Prohibits the Secretary from closing or relocating a Farm Service Agency county or field office in a state if the office has a high workload volume compared with other county offices in the state. (Sec. 12310) Authorizes: (1) the Secretary to make grants to state and tribal governments and research institutions to promote the domestic maple syrup industry, and (2) program appropriations through FY2018. (Sec. 12311)Directs the Secretary to review publications that may give notice that the EPA is preparing or plans to prepare any guidance, policy, memorandum, regulation, or statement of general applicability and future effect that may have a significant impact on a substantial number of agricultural entities. (Sec. 12313) Prohibits any person from knowingly attending an animal fighting venture or causing a minor to attend such a venture. (Sec. 12314) Prohibits any state or local government from imposing standards or conditions on the production or manufacture of agricultural products sold in interstate commerce if: (1) such production or manufacture occurs in another state, and (2) the standard or condition is in addition to the standards and conditions applicable pursuant to federal law and the laws of the state and locality in which such production or manufacture occurs. (Sec. 12315) Directs the Secretary to increase flood protection for farmers, producers, and other agricultural interests in the Missouri River basin by: (1) recalculating the amount of space within the Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System that is allocated to flood control storage, and (2) increasing the River's channel capacity between the reservoirs and below Gavins Point. (Sec. 12316) Directs the Secretary to increase flood protection to farmers, producers, and other agricultural interests around the Wallkill River and in the Black Dirt region.