Bill Title
To reauthorize the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, and for other purposes.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Bill Summary
North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act of 2017 (Sec. 4) This bill provides for increased dissemination of news and information access to North Korea. The North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 is amended to include news rebroadcasting in supported broadcasting to North Korea. (Sec. 5) The President may: (1) distribute or provide grants to distribute information receiving devices, electronically readable devices, and other informational sources into North Korea; and (2) provide grants to develop and distribute new products or methods to allow North Koreans easier access to outside information. The Broadcasting Board of Governors may broadcast American, Korean, Chinese, and other popular music, television, movies, and popular cultural references as part of its programming. The board shall broadcast to North Korea in the Korean language information on rights, laws, and freedoms afforded through the North Korean Constitution and through human rights treaties or other international agreements. The bill urges that information access efforts should include religious communities and be coordinated with the Office of International Religious Freedom. (Sec. 7) The President may provide grants for research on North Korea's denial of human rights. The bill extends through FY2022: (1) programs that promote human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and the development of a market economy in North Korea; (2) actions to promote freedom of information in North Korea; and (3) humanitarian assistance to North Koreans who are outside of North Korea without the permission of the government. The bill extends through 2022 annual reporting requirements regarding: (1) freedom of information, (2) North Korean human rights issues, (3) U.S. humanitarian assistance inside North Korea and to North Koreans outside of North Korea, and (4) the number of North Koreans seeking refugee status or political asylum in the United States.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Associated Rollcalls