Bill Title
To authorize certain Department of Veterans Affairs major medical facility projects and leases, to extend certain expiring provisions of law, and to modify certain authorities of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.
House Veterans' Affairs
Bill Summary
(This measure has not been amended since it was passed by the House on September 20, 2011. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Veterans Health Care Facilities Capital Improvement Act of 2011 - (Sec. 2) Authorizes, within specified amounts, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out certain FY2012 major medical facility construction projects (projects) at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers in Seattle, Washington and West Los Angeles, California. (Sec. 3) Modifies authorizations for certain previously authorized projects in Fayetteville, Arkansas, the Orlando, Florida area, Palo Alto, California, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and St. Louis, Missouri. (Sec. 4) Authorizes the Secretary to carry out FY2012 major medical facility leases (leases) at specified outpatient and community-based outpatient clinics in Alabama, California, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, New York, and Oregon. (Sec. 5) Authorizes appropriations for such projects and leases. Provides project and lease funding limitations. (Sec. 6) Directs the Secretary to include in the prospectus required to be submitted to Congress with a request for funding of a major medical facility project or lease: (1) a detailed estimate of the total costs of the medical facility including the number of personnel and itemized costs for construction, activation, special purpose alteration, ancillary services, and equipment; and (2) data concerning demographics, workload, utilization, and operating costs over a 5-, 10-, and 20-year period. Requires further, in the case of a proposed new or replacement facility, a detailed: (1) report of the consideration given to acquiring an existing facility by lease or purchase and to the sharing of health-care resources with the Department of Defense (DOD), and (2) total cost estimate and a cost-benefit comparison for each considered alternative to construction of the facility and an explanation of why the preferred alternative is the most effective means to achieve the stated project goals. (Sec. 7) Prohibits the Secretary from using bid savings on a major construction project to expand the purpose of such a project until after submitting specified information to the congressional veterans committees, including the major project that is the source of the bid savings and the major project for which the Secretary intends to expand the purpose. (Sec. 8) Designates the VA telehealth clinic in Craig, Colorado, as the "Major William Edward Adams Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic." (Sec. 9) Designates the VA medical center in Big Spring, Texas, as the "George H. O'Brien, Jr., Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center." (Sec. 10) Extends through 2012 specified authority for: (1) treatment, rehabilitation, and additional services for seriously mentally ill and homeless veterans, (2) housing assistance for homeless veterans, and (3) the Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans. Extends through FY2012 the authority of the Secretary of Labor to conduct homeless veterans reintegration programs. Extends through 2018 the authority for transfers of real property under the Secretary's jurisdiction or control. Extends to September 30, 2020, the recovery audit program for certain fee basis and other medical services contracts concerning non-VA care and services for veterans and beneficiaries. (Sec. 11) Increases authorized amounts for the VA comprehensive service programs for FY2012. Provides a reduced amount for FY2013 and thereafter. (Sec. 12) Increases and extends through FY2012 the authorization of appropriations for the VA program of financial assistance for supportive services for very low-income veteran families residing in permanent housing. (Sec. 13) Extends through: (1) FY2012 a VA grant program for homeless veterans with special needs, and (2) the end of 2012 specially adapted housing assistance for disabled veterans residing temporarily in housing owned by a family member. (Sec. 15) Extends through November 18, 2011, VA authority to: (1) charge a loan fee for certain subsequent housing loans made to veterans, and (2) verify veterans' income information from the Secretary of the Treasury or the Commissioner of Social Security. (Sec. 17) Extends through November 18, 2011, VA authority to verify veterans' income information through the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) before terminating or reducing certain benefits and services. Makes a conforming amendment to part D (Child Support and Establishment of Paternity) of title IV of the Social Security Act authorizing the release of such information by the HHS Secretary.
House Veterans' Affairs
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