Bill Title
To reauthorize the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, and for other purposes.
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
Bill Summary
(This measure has not been amended since it was reported to the Senate on December 3, 2015. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act of 2015 (Sec. 2) This bill amends the Public Health Service Act and the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 to revise and extend through FY2020 the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program and the National Cord Blood Inventory program. (These programs help match patients in need of a transplant with unrelated bone marrow and cord blood donors.) The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must review the state of the science of using adult stem cells and birthing tissues to develop new therapies and consider the inclusion of new therapies in the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program. (Sec. 3) Requirements for HHS contracts under the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 are revised. (Sec. 4) HHS must determine whether to include peripheral blood stem cells and umbilical cord blood in the definition of human organ.
Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
Associated Rollcalls