Bill Title
To reauthorize and amend the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act, and for other purposes.
House Natural Resources; Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Bill Summary
Hydrographic Services Improvement Act Amendments of 2008 - Amends the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 1998 to revise the definition of "hydrographic data" to include information acquired through lidar, radar, remote sensing, shoreline and other ocean- and coastal-related surveying, and water level observations. Revises the definition of "hydrographic services" to include shoreline and water level information. Requires the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide hydrographic services. Modifies requirements regarding the awarding of contracts for the acquisition of hydrographic data. Authorizes the Administrator to create and maintain a Joint Hydrographic Institute. Authorizes the Administrator to acquire hydrographic data and provide hydrographic services to support the conservation and management of coastal and ocean resources, save and protect life and property, support commerce resumption after emergencies and disasters, and meet homeland security and maritime domain awareness needs, including carrying out mission assignments. (Current law only authorizes the Administrator to use hydrographic data and services to support the conservation and management of coastal and ocean resources.) Modifies membership and compensation provisions regarding the Hydrographic Services Review Panel. Authorizes appropriations to carry out nautical mapping and charting, contract for hydrographic surveys, operate hydrographic survey vessels, carry out geodetic functions, carry out tide and current measurement, and acquire a replacement hydrographic survey vessel. Amends the Act of August 6, 1947, to give it the name "Coast and Geodetic Survey Act."
House Natural Resources; Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Associated Rollcalls