To require congressional approval of any mineral withdrawal or monument designation involving the National Forest System lands in the State of Minnesota, to provide for the renewal of certain mineral leases in such lands, and for other purposes.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Bill Summary
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.) Minnesota's Economic Rights in the Superior National Forest Act (Sec. 2) This bill declares that minerals with the National Forest System (NFS) lands in Minnesota shall not be subject to withdrawal from disposition under U.S. mineral and geothermal leasing laws unless such withdrawal is approved by an Act of Congress. (Sec. 3) The bill prohibits any extension or establishment of national monuments on NFS lands in Minnesota except by express authorization of Congress. (Sec. 4) The bill declares that certain mineral leases issued within the exterior boundaries of NFS lands in Minnesota are indeterminate preference right leases that shall be: (1) issued for an initial 20-year period; and, (2) after such period, shall be renewable for 10-year periods if the lessee has complied with the terms and conditions of the lease during the 20-year period and on the condition that, at the end of each 10-year renewal period, Interior may readjust lease terms and conditions to encourage production or to address changing conditions within the lease area. Interior may: (1) suspend operations under a lease when the lease can only be operated at a loss due to market conditions or when operations are interrupted by strikes; and (2) issue permits for the use of surface lands subject to, but not included in, the lease for the exploration, development, and use of the deposits covered by the lease. This bill applies to all such mineral leases within the exterior boundaries of NFS lands in Minnesota, including: (1) leases that are not effective as of enactment of this bill; and (2) the existing hard rock mineral leases for Superior National Forest identified as MNES-01352 and MNES-01353. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) shall also apply to all such mineral leases within those boundaries. In the case of the renewal of such hard rock mineral leases, the Bureau of Land Management must complete the pending environmental assessment under NEPA within 30 days of this bill's enactment.
To require congressional approval of any mineral withdrawal or monument designation involving the National Forest System lands in the State of Minnesota, to provide for the renewal of certain mineral leases in such lands, and for other purposes.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.) Minnesota's Economic Rights in the Superior National Forest Act (Sec. 2) This bill declares that minerals with the National Forest System (NFS) lands in Minnesota shall not be subject to withdrawal from disposition under U.S. mineral and geothermal leasing laws unless such withdrawal is approved by an Act of Congress. (Sec. 3) The bill prohibits any extension or establishment of national monuments on NFS lands in Minnesota except by express authorization of Congress. (Sec. 4) The bill declares that certain mineral leases issued within the exterior boundaries of NFS lands in Minnesota are indeterminate preference right leases that shall be: (1) issued for an initial 20-year period; and, (2) after such period, shall be renewable for 10-year periods if the lessee has complied with the terms and conditions of the lease during the 20-year period and on the condition that, at the end of each 10-year renewal period, Interior may readjust lease terms and conditions to encourage production or to address changing conditions within the lease area. Interior may: (1) suspend operations under a lease when the lease can only be operated at a loss due to market conditions or when operations are interrupted by strikes; and (2) issue permits for the use of surface lands subject to, but not included in, the lease for the exploration, development, and use of the deposits covered by the lease. This bill applies to all such mineral leases within the exterior boundaries of NFS lands in Minnesota, including: (1) leases that are not effective as of enactment of this bill; and (2) the existing hard rock mineral leases for Superior National Forest identified as MNES-01352 and MNES-01353. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) shall also apply to all such mineral leases within those boundaries. In the case of the renewal of such hard rock mineral leases, the Bureau of Land Management must complete the pending environmental assessment under NEPA within 30 days of this bill's enactment.