To prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury from authorizing certain transactions by a U.S. financial institution in connection with the export or re-export of a commercial passenger aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee
Bill Summary
No U.S. Financing for Iran Act TITLE I--IRAN FINANCING PROHIBITION (Sec. 101) This bill prohibits the Department of the Treasury from authorizing U.S. financial institution transactions in connection with the export or re-export of commercial passenger aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran. (Sec. 102) Any transaction authorized by Treasury before enactment of this bill is revoked. TITLE II--NO EX-IM ASSISTANCE FOR TERRORISM No Ex-Im Assistance for Terrorism Act (Sec. 202) This bill amends the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to prohibit the Export-Import Bank from guaranteeing, insuring, extending credit, or participating in the extension of credit in connection with the export of U.S. goods or services sought by: the Government of Iran, an entity owned or controlled by it, an entity created under Iranian law, or a foreign subsidiary of such an entity; an entity involving the Government of Iran, owned or controlled by the Government of Iran, created under Iranian law, or a foreign subsidiary of such an entity; or a non-U.S. entity that, in the last five-years, has leased or sold aircraft to the Government of Iran, or a subsidiary or controlling parent of such a non-U.S. entity. The Bank must cancel approved financing if it finds that such financing has facilitated the export, sale, or lease of an aircraft to the Government of Iran or a related entity and must seek immediate recovery of any amount it has provided in connection with the transaction. TITLE III--SUNSET (Sec. 301) This bill shall cease to be effective 30 days after the President certifies to Congress that the Government of Iran has ceased support for acts of international terrorism.
To prohibit the Secretary of the Treasury from authorizing certain transactions by a U.S. financial institution in connection with the export or re-export of a commercial passenger aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
No U.S. Financing for Iran Act TITLE I--IRAN FINANCING PROHIBITION (Sec. 101) This bill prohibits the Department of the Treasury from authorizing U.S. financial institution transactions in connection with the export or re-export of commercial passenger aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran. (Sec. 102) Any transaction authorized by Treasury before enactment of this bill is revoked. TITLE II--NO EX-IM ASSISTANCE FOR TERRORISM No Ex-Im Assistance for Terrorism Act (Sec. 202) This bill amends the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to prohibit the Export-Import Bank from guaranteeing, insuring, extending credit, or participating in the extension of credit in connection with the export of U.S. goods or services sought by: the Government of Iran, an entity owned or controlled by it, an entity created under Iranian law, or a foreign subsidiary of such an entity; an entity involving the Government of Iran, owned or controlled by the Government of Iran, created under Iranian law, or a foreign subsidiary of such an entity; or a non-U.S. entity that, in the last five-years, has leased or sold aircraft to the Government of Iran, or a subsidiary or controlling parent of such a non-U.S. entity. The Bank must cancel approved financing if it finds that such financing has facilitated the export, sale, or lease of an aircraft to the Government of Iran or a related entity and must seek immediate recovery of any amount it has provided in connection with the transaction. TITLE III--SUNSET (Sec. 301) This bill shall cease to be effective 30 days after the President certifies to Congress that the Government of Iran has ceased support for acts of international terrorism.