To ensure the payment of interest and principal of the debt of the United States.
House Ways and Means Committee
Bill Summary
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.) Default Prevention Act (Sec. 2) This bill requires the Department of the Treasury to continue to borrow to pay the principal and interest on certain obligations if the debt of the United States exceeds the statutory limit. If the debt limit is exceeded, Treasury is required to issue obligations solely for the payment of the principal and interest on debt held by the public or the Social Security trust funds. The bill prohibits Treasury from using obligations issued under this bill to compensate Members of Congress. If Treasury exercises authority provided by this bill, a report must be submitted to Congress including an accounting of: (1) the principal on mature obligations and interest that is due or accrued, and (2) obligations issued under this bill.
To ensure the payment of interest and principal of the debt of the United States.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary has been expanded because action occurred on the measure.) Default Prevention Act (Sec. 2) This bill requires the Department of the Treasury to continue to borrow to pay the principal and interest on certain obligations if the debt of the United States exceeds the statutory limit. If the debt limit is exceeded, Treasury is required to issue obligations solely for the payment of the principal and interest on debt held by the public or the Social Security trust funds. The bill prohibits Treasury from using obligations issued under this bill to compensate Members of Congress. If Treasury exercises authority provided by this bill, a report must be submitted to Congress including an accounting of: (1) the principal on mature obligations and interest that is due or accrued, and (2) obligations issued under this bill.