Bill Title
Expressing condolences to and solidarity with the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010.
House Foreign Affairs; House Financial Services
Bill Summary
Expresses: (1) condolences and sympathy for the loss of life and the physical and psychological damage in Haiti caused by the January 2010 earthquake; and (2) solidarity with Haitians, Haitian Americans, and those who have lost loved ones or have otherwise been affected by the tragedy. Commends the efforts of the governments of Haiti and the United States, the United Nations and the international community, and the American people. Supports: (1) Administration efforts to provide and coordinate international humanitarian assistance and to provide relief to affected communities; and (2) long-term reconstruction efforts for Haiti. Urges countries and institutions that hold debt against Haiti to suspend debt payments and cancel all remaining debt. Urges the President to make necessary resources available for current and long-term assistance to Haiti.
House Foreign Affairs; House Financial Services
Associated Rollcalls