Supporting the people of Venezuela as they protest peacefully for democratic change and calling to end the violence.
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Bill Summary
Supports the people of Venezuela in their pursuit of freedom of expression and assembly to promote democratic principles in Venezuela. Deplores the violence and political intimidation perpetrated against opposition leaders and protesters in Venezuela and the growing use of politically motivated criminal charges to intimidate the political opposition. Urges the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela and to encourage dialogue between the government and the political opposition. Urges the Department of State to work with other countries in the Americas to ensure that fundamental freedoms in Venezuela are in accordance with the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and to strengthen the ability of the Organization of American States (OAS) to respond to the erosion of democratic norms and institutions in Venezuela. Urges the OAS and its Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to seek the most effective way to end the violence in Venezuela in accordance with the Inter-American Democratic Charter. Supports international efforts to urge the Venezuelan government to guarantee the rights to life, humane treatment, and security, and the political freedoms of assembly, association, and expression.
Supporting the people of Venezuela as they protest peacefully for democratic change and calling to end the violence.
Supports the people of Venezuela in their pursuit of freedom of expression and assembly to promote democratic principles in Venezuela. Deplores the violence and political intimidation perpetrated against opposition leaders and protesters in Venezuela and the growing use of politically motivated criminal charges to intimidate the political opposition. Urges the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela and to encourage dialogue between the government and the political opposition. Urges the Department of State to work with other countries in the Americas to ensure that fundamental freedoms in Venezuela are in accordance with the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and to strengthen the ability of the Organization of American States (OAS) to respond to the erosion of democratic norms and institutions in Venezuela. Urges the OAS and its Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to seek the most effective way to end the violence in Venezuela in accordance with the Inter-American Democratic Charter. Supports international efforts to urge the Venezuelan government to guarantee the rights to life, humane treatment, and security, and the political freedoms of assembly, association, and expression.