Bill Title
Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes.
House Appropriations; House Budget
Bill Summary
Amends Public Law 107-229 to extend until October 18, 2002, specified continuing appropriations for FY 2003.(Sec. 3) Amends the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to restore specified requirements for annual distributions from the Crime Victims Fund. Requires the distribution (subject to the availability of money in the Fund) in each fiscal year beginning with FY 2003 of between 90 percent and 110 percent of the amount distributed in the previous fiscal year, but allowing distribution of up to 120 percent of the amount distributed in the previous fiscal year in any fiscal year that the total amount available is more than twice the amount distributed in the previous fiscal year.(Sec. 4) Declares that Congress finds that specified Federal laws require all printing, binding, and blankbook work for Congress, the Executive Office, the Judiciary (other than the Supreme Court), and every executive department, independent office, and establishment of the Government, be done at the Government Printing Office (GPO).Declares that no funds appropriated under this resolution or any other Act may be used to: (1) implement or comply with the Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-02-07, "Procurement of Printing and Duplicating through the Government Printing Office," issued May 3, 2002, or any other memorandum or opinion reaching the same result; or (2) to pay for the printing (other than by GPO) of the Government budget submitted by the President.(Sec. 5) Provides for continued entitlements and other mandatory payments whose budget authority was provided in appropriations Acts for FY 2002 and for activities under the Food Stamp Act of 1977. States that funds shall be available and obligations for mandatory payments due on or about November 1, and December 1, 2002, may continue to be made .Specifies a maximum annual rate of continued operations for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.Authorizes the Department of Justice to transfer funds to the Immigration User Fee Account from unobligated balances from certain funds appropriated to the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Requires reimbursement by April 1, 2003, from such Account for funds so transferred.Credits to General Legal Activities in the Department of Justice certain FY 2002 funds from the Executive Office of the President for purposes of administering the Victims Compensation Program.Authorizes continuing activities under the Parole Commission and Reorganization Act.Makes funds from fee collections in FY 2003 available for the Securities and Exchange Commission to continue implementation of the Agency Personnel Demonstration Project under the Investor and Capital Markets Fee Relief Act.Authorizes the District of Columbia to expend local funds at a rate in excess of the rate under authority applicable prior to October 1, 2002, to cover loans and interest payments.Prohibits the use of funds to implement any restructuring of the Civil Works Program of the United States Army Corps of Engineers which would involve the transfer of Civil Works missions, functions, or responsibilities to any other executive branch agency or department without explicit congressional authorization.Permits direct loans to Poland under the Arms Export Control Act, subject to specified terms and conditions.Continues authority under the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to guarantee, insure, or extend credit, or participate in an extension of credit in connection with any credit sale to any country of nonlethal defense articles or services the primary end use of which will be for civilian purposes.Authorizes a $150,000 payment to John F. Mink, widower of Patsy Mink, late a Representative from Hawaii.Credits to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and deducts from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), certain funds transferred from TSA to FEMA.Authorizes the payment of demolition, site revitalization, replacement housing, and tenant-based assistance grants for projects under the United States Housing Act of 1937.Requires specified departments and agencies to evaluate and report to the Committees on Appropriations on the effect on specified management areas of operating through FY 2003 under continuing resolutions.Requires the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to report monthly to the Committees on Appropriations on all departmental and agency obligations made since the beginning of FY 2003 while operating under continuing resolutions.Requires the Comptroller General to identify to the Committees on Appropriations executive branch accounts for which apportionments made from funds appropriated or authority granted by this joint resolution provide for a rate of operations that differs from the current rate.Reduces appropriations at an annual rate by the amounts specified and identified for one-time, non-recurring projects and activities in a specified OMB Bulletin No. 02-06, Supplement No. 1.Authorizes specified activities under title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act to continue for 60 days beyond the expiration of the governing FY 2002 continuing resolution.Specifies the annual rate of operations for the Federal-aid highways program for FY 2003.
House Appropriations; House Budget
Oct. 10, 2002
On Motion to Recommit with Instructions
Vote Type
Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2003