Congratulating Lee Myung-Bak on his election to the Presidency of the Republic of Korea and wishing him well during his time of transition and his inauguration on February 25, 2008.
House Foreign Affairs
Bill Summary
Congratulates Lee Myung-Bak on his election to the presidency of the Republic of Korea and wishes him well during his transition and on his inauguration on February 25, 2008.
Congratulating Lee Myung-Bak on his election to the Presidency of the Republic of Korea and wishing him well during his time of transition and his inauguration on February 25, 2008.
Congratulates Lee Myung-Bak on his election to the presidency of the Republic of Korea and wishes him well during his transition and on his inauguration on February 25, 2008.
Congratulating Lee Myung-Bak on his election to the Presidency of the Republic of Korea and wishing him well during his time of transition and his inauguration on February 25, 2008.